Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Chapter 3: Posture And Sleep - Grow Taller 4 Idiots Ebook

Chapter 3: Posture And Sleep - Grow Taller 4 Idiots Ebook

Before we go to the actual exercises, there are two things that we need to discuss, and that’s how to develop the correct posture, and developing the right sleeping habits. Posture can be a great deal more important than you think when it comes to gaining height.

Common issues with posture:
It’s a total misconception that if you just stand straight or erect, you then have a correct posture.
This isn’t actually true, because the way you hold your head, the way you hold your shoulders, even the way you hold your pelvis, all of these are important, and more.

Making small corrections in your posture can considerably enhance your height by an inch or two, which, when taken with the exercises, will continue to encourage growth.
But more importantly, correct posture will not work against exercises, which a wrong posture certainly does.
A tilted pelvis is often an issue, with many people leaning the pelvis forward or leaning the pelvis backwards, resulting in a bent or curved spine when they walk. Look at the image to the right, which shows what a tilted pelvis looks like…

Posture And Sleep - Grow Taller 4 Idiots Ebook

These conditions are generally caused by weak muscles in the stomach and back, and there are exercises in the course of the program that will correct these conditions.
Rounded shoulders are another problem, where a person tends to carry the head and shoulders too far forward.
There’s also curvature of the spine, as shown on the image to the left, which is another serious posture issue.
The good news, however, is that all of these issues with posture are easily corrected. Read on, to know exactly how...

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