Now I’m going to talk a LOT about diet, and what you should (and shouldn’t eat). But if you’d like to skip all that talk, here’s an excellent diet plan to enhance your height. Quantities are not given, but try to take in a little more rather than a little less.
Above all, DO NOT starve yourself. This is crucial to the success of your height- building program.
Frequently asked questions about the Diet Plan
Q: What should I eat? How much should I eat? Do you have any other advice?
A: You need to stick to the Diet Plan perfectly, if at all possible. One thing that I might mention is that in following this diet you need to be sure that you’re eating enough. Remember that your body will be growing. You must provide it with the nutrients it need to sustain that growth. DO NOT starve yourself – it is far better for the success of this program to take in too much rather than too little. At the same time there’s no need to go on an absolute eating binge either. Approach this diet with common sense as your ally.
Q: Do I need to take in anything else besides what you've mentioned in your Diet Plan?
A: Surprisingly, yes, you do!! Water. This isn’t mentioned in the diet plan, but you need to take in plenty of water, at least eight large glasses a day.
Q: Should I eat seafood?
A: Seafood contains quite a few substances absolutely crucial to enhancing your height, and indeed is part of the Diet Plan.
Q: Can I enhance my height without attention to diet?
A: Impossible! Just as you cannot build a house without bricks and mortar, you cannot enhance your height without the materials with which to build bones, ligaments and muscles. Following the Diet Plan is crucial.
Q: Is it absolutely necessary to include all the ingredients mentioned in the diet?
A: Absolutely! The Diet Plan has been carefully put together to be both flexible as well as to ensure that you have every single ingredient that your body needs to make your height-building program a success. Even one missing ingredient could turn that success into failure.
Q: Can I skip out on the Growth Hormone Drink?
A: The Growth Hormone Drink contains substances crucial to the success of this program and cannot be skipped at all.
Q: What about Vitamin and Mineral supplements?
A: Supplements are just that – supplements. By all means take in supplements. But they must only add to the resources provided by a balanced diet – you must never attempt to replace a balanced diet
with supplements.
Q: Where can I find more information about Diet?
A: Why, right here! The next pages are absolutely full of information about all you need to know about a balanced diet.
A detailed discussion of Diet
And now to a more detailed discussion of a properly balanced diet. It’s important to avoid poor eating habits, because if you don’t provide your body with sufficient nutrition to fuel growth, then all the exercises that you do in this program become useless.
Think of it as of a structure being built. You can’t build a structure without bricks and mortar, so similarly, nothing in your body can be built and no growth is possible unless the raw materials are available to the body to fuel this growth.
Now, generally speaking, a healthy balanced diet should cover most of the nutritional needs of your body.
A healthy balanced diet involves taking in a great deal of protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids. There should also be a considerable amount of the essential vitamins and minerals, and, strangely enough, you also need to take in large quantities of water.
Does that surprise you? Well, it shouldn’t, because your body is made up of water to a large extent, amounting to about eighty percent of it’s mass. So, water is an essential constituent for growth.
Now, there are a few vitamins which are absolutely essential to growth, and you need to eat foods which contain these vitamins, or else take in a vitamin supplement that will supply the same.
Go on to the next page for a rundown on essential foods…
Foods essential to the Body
Generally speaking, liver should be an important constituent of any diet, because it contains several growth promoting vitamins, including the vitamin A, the vitamin B6 and the vitamin B12.
Another source of important vitamins is fish liver oil, as well as milk and eggs. Milk and eggs contain a lot of essential substances required by the body - and of course, this includes milk products as well.
Generally speaking, you should take in a variety of meats, including beef, pork, chicken, liver and kidney in equal proportions and in a reasonable quantity every week.
Different meats contain different substances, including vitamins, required by the body, and rotating these meats will ensure that your body always has substances it needs to build and grow upon. Pork, as an example, contains the vitamin B1, while the vitamin D is found in fish and fish liver oils, and so is the vitamin K.
Add to this diet a good mix of vegetables, and of course cereals, and you’ll only enhance your ability to make the most of the growth exercises included in this book.
One important vitamin that has not been found in the foods I’ve been mentioning is the vitamin C. Now, the vitamin C is contained in citrus foods and is indispensable in aiding the growth of strong bones. It also helps in the building and health of protein cells within the body. Tomatoes and berries, cauliflower and cabbage, and potatoes – all are excellent sources of the vitamin C.
Then there’s the vitamin D, which is of course available in milk products, which I’ve already mentioned, but which can be produced by the body simply by taking a walk in the sun.
Another vitamin that I have to mention is the vitamin F, which is contained in vegetable oils and various kinds of nuts, and of course in sunflower seeds and sunflower oils. Make sure you take in a certain amount of these foods as well to ensure that you don’t lose out on the benefits of this essential growth vitamin.
The use of Vitamin Supplements
Generally speaking, I don’t advise a person to rely solely upon supplements for their vitamin needs.
Rather I would say that you need to include all the foods I’ve mentioned in a balanced diet, as well as a good amount of leafy vegetables and, to be honest, as diverse a range of meats, fruits and vegetables as possible.
When you have a vast and diverse range of foods available and you cycle through them, you’ll find that your body can absorb from them virtually any substance that it needs for growth and for good health, and this includes many substances that are perhaps not even known to science today.
Now, besides all these, if you take a vitamin supplement as well, then you’re only going to benefit your body even further.
In other words, a supplement does exactly what its name implies – it supplements your diet and boosts the intake of essential substances to your body, but it cannot replace a balanced diet.
Minerals in your Diet
Now we come to minerals, and the most important of these, of course (it goes without saying), is calcium, because without calcium with which to fuel the growth of your bones, making the height you gain with this exercises permanent is all but impossible.
Everyone knows that the best sources of calcium are meat and milk products, but you can also find it in sardines and soybean, as well as in dry beans and dry vegetables. Nevertheless, milk and milk products remain the best sources of calcium.
Another essential mineral is chromium, and it’s found in different meats, and therefore has already been covered by our discussion. Chlorine is also important to the body, but as it’s contained in table salt, small amounts of table salt, as much as you have with your meals, is usually sufficient for your chlorine intake.
Fluoride is another mineral that strengthens the bones, and it’s usually found in seafood, so if you take in a reasonable amount of fish, you shouldn’t have any problems. Then there’s iodine, which again is found in both salt and seafood.
Iron is another very important mineral, and indeed extremely essential for both growth as well as for healthy blood and an efficient circulatory system. Generally iron is found in various meats, so the healthy balanced diet that I mentioned earlier certainly covers this as well.
Now, one mineral that you have to be sure to cover is magnesium, which isn’t easily found in many diets. It’s contained in figs, grapefruits, apples, lemons, as well as in various seeds and nuts.
You need to eat a certain amount of these regularly to ensure that your magnesium intake is covered. Magnesium actually helps the body to process calcium and vitamin C, and so is absolutely essential.
Other minerals that are required by the body are phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, zinc and a few other substances. All of these are covered by a reasonable balanced diet.
Covering all your nutritional needs…
Let’s recoup. What does a balanced diet consist of?
A balanced diet consists of as wide a range of meats as possible, including liver and kidney, beef, pork, fish and other meets.
You also need to have plenty of milk and milk products, as well as a wide range of vegetables, including basic vegetables such as potatoes and green leafy vegetables.
Add lots of different fruit, but especially citrus fruits, and some nuts and essential oils to the diet, and you have a well rounded, balanced diet that can cover all the nutritional and growth needs of your body.
Another absolutely essential constituent for growth is protein, and this is available in every kind of meat and seafood, as well as in fish and eggs, so make sure you are taking in enough of these, because without protein no growth is possible.
Lastly, the body needs water, and this involves taking in six to eight glasses daily. And that’s the basics of what you need to know about nutrition.